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GoldTurquoise Jet

The Gold (Au)

The Gold (Au)


Latin name of the gold is Auram. It is the element of the first period sub-group of the periodic system. The atomic number of the gold is 79. Atomic mass is 196,9665. It appears to be the continuation of the VII group of elements . And also it has the same properties as alkali metals which situated in the main sub-group of the first group, this condition is because of the external stratum of electron . The gold is different from the S elements from the main

sub-group , becouse it has been supplemented with the D sub-level.


There is a difference between the elements of the first group in electrochemical properties, when the elements of main sub-group-alkani metals are awarded in chemical active elements, which can easily enter chemical reactions. Sometimes subgroup elements (Cu, Ag, Au) have the properties of noble elements. The alkani metals are placed in the beginning of the electrochemical strain line, but the copper, silver and gold are placed  at the end.


Li Cs K  Ca  Na  Mg  Al  Mn  Zn Cr  Fe  Ni Sn  Pb  H  Cu Hg Ag Au

Gold is the first metal which just been discovered by humanity-wrote K.Marx. It was conditioned by free existence in nature, blinding, bright yellow colour and brilliance. The stone and golden things, which are founded in archeological excavations fossils, belong to Neolithic epoch.

           People used gold as money before our era: in China , Egypt , India and Mesopotamia.

           Because of the golds fantastic shade and chemical condition , alchemists called it The king of metals and marked it as a simbol of the sun.

           Gold takes the form of crystal in cube sidecentral system . The length of its side is 4,075A0 It is viscous solution . We can get a very thin paper so called kilita from it. It is very easy to work out and give it any desirable  shape. It belongs too heavy metals.

           The gold can give fusion with silver. Also it can give such a strong fusions with platinium, platinium and copper, in spite  of the difference in their fasets size.

Gold has a property-firmness with the actions of atmosphere. It doesnt change at all in air, even when it touches the water. Such aggressive elements, as halogens, do not act on the gold in dry conditions, in room temperature. Its opposite , if we act on it with the water-solution of chlorine. The gold solutes fast by the formatting chloride:




    The gold solutes in aqua regie: (The mixture of three volume (size ) of salt acid and one volume of nytrogen acid)


          The gold also solutes in the hot  H2SeO4 selen acid

          The melted alkalis and concentrated acied do not act on the gold because of the colation of electrochemistry strein in rows.

          Its possible to find out the gold in any solution with post assum chloride . And red or pink colloidal solution is received.

         In admixtures the gold has the valency  I and III which is caused with the disposition of electrons on the next layer of the our electron layer.

         The oxides of gold is badly soluted in water. Its hydro- oxides have a amphoteric properties. For example: Golden Hydro Oxides Au ( OH )3

          Golden acid H3AuO3    


The Produce and Receiving of Gold

          The oldest method of producing gold is to wash it. Its necessary for it to wash off the mountain rocks, which are small particles. The specific gravity of the gold is big, so it stays on the bottom of vessel and the light rocks leave it with liquid. The gold also may be producsed by soluting in the mercury. Its known that the gold makes Amalgama at this time, which is left by the mercury by the distillation, and the gold stays.

          One of the way of producing the gold is Tsianid way. Its the same as Petre Bagrationis way -1843 (Petre , the son of Roman Bagrationi (1818-1876) is the nephew of Petre Bagrationi) which is reckoned as the best way in metallurgy even nowadays. It gives us the way of leaving the small particles from the ore, which is not possible by the process of Amalgama.


 The Using


          Gold is widely used for making golden of less noble metals. There are two reasons in making golden: The first to protect other metals from the corrosion, the second to get aestheticaly nice thing.

          In medicine, the gold is used for making the crown of teeth , bridges and so on. The gold kills bacteria, it is necessary for our organism.

          Almost the half part of one years supply of gold is kept as the Golden Stones In the state banks. It secures the sheet money.

          The Golden Chloride is used for galvanic covering with gold.

          The golden trial 583 shows us, that its structure is 58,3%, its same as 1000gr 583g is gold and the other part is copper in solution. The number of trial shoes us the structure of gold.

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