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GoldTurquoise Jet

The turquoise


          The turquoise is one of the most beautiful jeweler. It is famous for humanity from the ancient time. In Persian, the turquoise means the happy gem. In Arabian  “turquoise”

(“ Phirujazi”) means the gem, Which helps us to win. the turquoise is also called Klait. (In Greek it means  “beautiful”).

          The chemical structure of the turquoise is: CuAl6 [PO4][OH]24H20, CuO – 9,78%, Al2O3 – 37.06%, P2O5 – 34,90%, H2O – 17,72%. As an admixture  -  Fe2O3 - 21%. Besided the iron , in turquise , we can meet Ca , Zn,Mg,Cr,Ti,V,Sr,Ba,Mn,Na,Ag,B,Co,Pb,Si. as the admixtures. The organic thing turquoise was seemed as an amorphous mineral before. Nowadays, it’s ascertained that it gets crystal. The firmness is 5-6: the compactness – 2600 – 2800 Kg/m3 , the lightning vague, the colour of wax. The colour – blue , sky-blue, light blue in green. It’s good topolish it for the reinforcement of colour.

          The turquise may be arised by the analising the acid of phosphorus and the copper  is arisen from its ore . The superficial water is very important too: the formation of turquoise has a link with the precipitate and metamorphycal rocks. The turquise arises in precipitate rocks.

          The layers of turquoise are in: Egypt, Ccina –Tibet , Kasakhstan, Turksmen, Uzbek, Afghanistan, USA, Austrelia, Armenia, Israel. The famous layer of the world is in Iran- khorasan.

          In Georgia Turquoise3 is famous at the layer of ore copper – in Bolnisi. By the proffesor G.Gvakharia, ore turquoise is the product of hydrotermic somatic process.

          Archeology gives us an important material of the using of turquise as a beed, from the late Bronze age and the early Iron age (BC  XIII – VII). The turquoise is often found in the sepulchree of the antique age This gem adorns Zevakhi’s girdle: there is an  “almond-shape nest” on the round buckle, in which there is a big (3cm length) gem of turquoise . The tueguoise also adorn the buckles of Asparugi. A gilden diadem is adorned with the gems of turquoise , the golden necklace (II – III) is adorned with the tuoguoise and Almandi. The gems of turquoise are often found in the sepuichre. (the ground of authors “Mtskheta”).

          In middle ages Georgia , the turquoise and the other gems were spread . The turquoise was often used for adorning the church stock – icons, crosses and so on.

          The Mitropoliss cross and the golden piece of Martvili is adorned by the turquoise. This gem adorns the virgin’s icon (X- XI)- in Khobi the golden folding icon of our Saviour and the martyr’s leader’s cross. (XII)

          “The golden ring with the 32 gems of turquoise” is mentioned in 1460   №124 deed of Mtskheta.

King Rostom’s wife – the queen Mariam (1634) and Erekle I’s wife’s dowry books gives us a very interestind meterial about using the turquoise for the adornment and there is shown , that the ear-rings, bracelets and necklaces were adorned by the sal ammoniac turquoise . There is also mentioned the turquoise in dowry book of Elene and Anna Eristavi of Ksani. The turquoise is oftrn used in the manuscript or printed book – covery as the adornment. (The first printed book of gospel).
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